fun リワードプログラム

Bingo Cash

You get referred and you both get $1 real cash.

Bingo King

Win real money playing bingo against other players

Dice Dreams

For each person you invite, you receive a different amount of playing dice to advance in the game.

Raid Shadow Legends

Invite friends to get more soul shards.

Pokemon GO

On sign-up, the referred gets 100 Poké Balls and perhaps some other stuff to start their adventure with. The referrer then gets rewards based on activity of the new user in the game - you get an incubator for example, when the new user evolved 100 pokemon.


Sign up and complete 1 task (excluding videos)

Nine Chronicles

Whenever you invite a friend, you receive 9 NCG immediately. When a friend achieves LV20, both you and your friend receive 9 NCG additionally.


Invite friends and earn $5 for each friend that registers with your code.

Weed Inc

Add friend code in app to get 1 free crate.


Once you're signed up, you can start referring and get 10% of what your referrals earn.